Our promise to education delivery
In our quest to develop well-balanced, complete people, we encourage each individual to reach his full potential and thus gain confidence in himself. We prepare our learners as citizens of a complex country and we thus inculcate an awareness of and respect for others.
As education presumes a climate of care, we train our learners to seek the truth, to have a sense of belonging and, most importantly, to have positive expectations for themselves.
Our highly qualified staff offer 100% service and consequently demand whole-hearted commitment from every boy in a friendly environment rich in vision, productivity, motivation and professionalism.
We have a superb school library, text reproduction facilities, an audio-visual centre and progressive computer facilities, all of which are harnessed in the cause of giving each child the best possible advantages.

Delivering excellence
This school has a tradition of English Liberal Education – one that encourages boys to develop tolerance, self-discipline, critical thinking and a striving for excellence. One will definitely find a happy and healthy atmosphere in the school. KHS is still small enough to avoid unnecessary regimentation and to develop constructive and meaningful relationships between learners and staff. We insist on very high standards of neatness and courtesy from learners – however, it is preferable that this develops out of genuine respect and pride rather than being demanded from reluctant learners. Probably the single most important factor contributing to the ethos of the school is that it is the only Government English Medium High School in Kimberley, and thus takes in learners from the entire class spectrum of society.
We strive for a "balanced / all round" education - a concept that is very rarely realised in any school. We encourage EVERY learner to develop in four ways, primarily in the academic field, but also in physical, cultural and pastoral endeavours. Rugby matches and the swimming galas are the major spirit builders in the school year. Culturally, the annual major dramatic production is a highlight and the wind ensemble is a feature of the school. Probably the most striking and unique aspect of the school is the pastoral side. There is a special, somewhat fragile openness, which exists between the staff and learners. It is certainly the one aspect of the KHS ethos, which is nurtured and treasured.